
Our Approach

Sustain Our Future Foundation is a national nonprofit organization. Our mission is to transform sustainable development projects by maximizing equitable community benefits to achieve environmental justice.

In 2023, Yinka N. Bode-George established Sustain Our Future Foundation with a vision to redefine sustainable development through environmental justice (EJ).

Recognizing the importance of integrating equity and EJ principles within the growing green economy, Yinka created Sustain Our Future Foundation to scale the incorporation of EJ and community partnership strategies into environmental, social, and governance practices.

Sustain Our Future Foundation collaborates with infrastructure developers dedicated to fostering a just economic transition. Together with developers, Sustain Our Future Foundation creates equitable sustainable development agreements that improve the quality of infrastructure projects by integrating EJ principles and equity-driven standards into the project planning, siting, and development phases. These principles and standards promote economic development, community partnership and ownership, environmental health, and reparative justice.

As an integral part of Sustain Our Future Foundation’s EJ and equity-based development standards, The Foundation works with developers to redistribute project profits into community impact initiatives.

Using the financial contributions committed by developers to benefit communities, Sustain Our Future Foundation serves as a re-grantor and facilitator of community impact programs. As a re-grantor, The Foundation adheres to trust-based and participatory philanthropic approaches to ensure that grantmaking processes are community-led and engaged.

Sustain Our Future Foundation’s social impact grant programs prioritize communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis while striving to build a more sustainable future for all. The Foundation’s core grantmaking goals include:

  1. Strengthening and diversifying the sustainability workforce while promoting economic justice.

  2. Reducing and eliminating excessive and unjust carbon emissions through root-cause solutions.

  3. Reducing, eliminating, and preventing environmental pollution and the creation of sacrifice zones.

  4. Increasing community-owned and community-driven models of sustainable infrastructure.

  5. Healing and remediating natural ecosystems and restoring our relationship to the land.

Sustain Our Future Foundation’s equitable sustainable development models shift power to create self-determined community outcomes so communities can be drivers of sustainable development innovation and implementation.

Learn more about our grant programs.